
About You

You are a:

  • Christian who believes in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that the Bible is the Word of God.
  • Christlete who competes on Team Christ for imperishable crowns.
  • Sporty Individual who enjoys repping your team spirit through clothing.

You are a Conqueror!

About Us

Christletics is a sports apparel company that makes game day gear for Conquerors (in Christ). While Christ is the Lord of lords and King of kings, His Conquerors are the Team of teams. A team that is not playing for temporary wins or trophies but for eternal wins and imperishable crowns.

We’re all about:

  • Glorifying the G.O.I (Greatest of Infinity).
  • Outfitting our customers in victory and operating with boldness.
  • Designing our gear with the desire that the opposing team be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth before their game clock runs out of time.

On 3…Go Conquer!